Here is the reason why Roberts, Kidman and many other stars were bullied in their childhood years

These are 7 celebrities who were mocked for their appearance in their childhood

Nowadays, the following celebrities enjoy their world fame, popularity and love from thousands of people. Whereas, believe it or not, these are the same girls with complexed and insecurities concerning their appearance. However surprising it may seem, many of them were even called “ugly ducklings”.

U. Thurman

Because of her unusual height (she is 183 cm tall) and big shoe size (42), Thurman was constantly bullied and mocked by all her classmates and friends. They constantly made fun of Uma considering her “different” from the society. All this resulted in that the woman still has insecurities and it is hard for her to believe in the sincerity of someone’s compliments even now.

J. Roberts

What concerns Roberts, one of the cult and beloved actresses of all times, she was heavily criticized for her unusually big month. Her classmates constantly called her “the frog” because of her uniqueness.

K. Del

This legendary woman, believe it or not, faced bullying and had complexes about her “imperfect” appearance as well. As the iconic woman mentions, she has never been the lovely and thin one in any company.

K. Winslet

Once the legendary actress shared some details concerning her childhood confessing that she as well faced criticism and all her classmates and friends made fun of her claiming that she would never become an actress as she had always dreamed of.

N. Kidman

Kidman was also among those who faced bullying and was constantly judged since she was extremely thin, possessed a blemished skin and small height.

Lady Gaga

Both Lady Gaga and her mother were being criticized throughout their lives. The brilliant performer was bullied for her big nose, extra kilos and dark curls. Her classmates didn’t miss a chance to make fun of her.

K. Middleton

Had they known that they were mocking the future duchess, they wouldn’t have said all those offensive things to Middleton. Kate’s classmates never ceased to criticize her for “imperfect” appearance thinking that the future duchess was really ugly and unattractive. There was a tendency in their school to estimate girls’ appearance from 0 to 10. What is your opinion about this?

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