Very sociable kitty, that assisted all the kitties in need
Six sweet kitties, that were leftover by their mother appeared in a local alley. So the volunteers took them to the animal shelter.
And in order to give the babies appropriate care they needed to be fostered and happily two volunteers agreed to take them. Happily Lida took three of them and Jennie took the others.
And one of Jennie’s pets named Bell is popular for giving help to any newly foster kitty in assistance. The kitty was taken nearly a year ago and since than has assisted many kitties and was always friendly with them.
The three fostered kitties called Fiona, Ola and Max came out of the box and began exploring the house. And after finding a lot of food and toys they joyfully carried on their search.
They became very inquisitive and curious kitties, that enjoyed playing with their toys. The kittens loved their foster owner and thought the lap of Jennie the most secure place for a sleep.