The boys decided to make the lives of stray cats a little easier and protect them from the cold  

This is how the boys showed their compassion towards cats!

People were excited to see what these kindhearted boys did for stray cats. They hurried to make their lives a bit easier. Because they were defenceless and unable to protect themselves from the cold, they decided to make tiny shelters for them.

We know that stray cats can live for only three or four years, while domestic cats live for until fourteen years.

Each year a great number of stray cats pass away from the cold, and others just survive trying to find a place where they feel a little warmer.

The boys made little shelters and donated them to Animal Project, which accepted them with happiness.

Now many felines can be warm and protected during cold winters and live longer and happier.

Thank you for your great job, guys! You have done a heroic action, which is surely appreciated by society.

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