Even if it’s risky, the woman hugged her sick cat to comfort him in his bad state

Every pet’s dream is to have such an owner

Meet Valentino, a cute catty, who has to be isolated from everyone because of his disease. He suffers from sarcoptic mange, so it can infect both animals and people who touch him.

The poor animal was completely dirty and he hardly see through his eyes.

However, it didn’t stop his beloved owner named Elaine Seamans from touching him, even when she had to isolate herself from everyone as well.

She adores her pet, and couldn’t stay indifferent and pass by his side without touching him. She put her life in danger and hugged him strongly to show that he was loved.

Now the catty is in the recovery process and get all the appropriate treatment. He is a real fighter and struggles for his life.

Valentino who couldn’t even walk, now feels good and his condition is becoming better day by day. All these thanks to his loving owner, who stayed by his side even in the worst condition.

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