«Survived after 3 months in intensive care»: The recent photos of the daughter of Chopra delighted the fans

Here is Chopra’s baby from a surrogate mother who spent 3 months in intensive care

Neither their big age difference, nor their cultural backgrounds could prevent this beautiful couple from creating an exemplary family. Even after getting married, they faced many difficulties. They turned to a surrogate mother which seemed a good idea.

The birth of their long-awaited daughter Malti was followed by big surprises for the spouses. Since the adorable girl was born prematurely, she was kept in intensive care and the doctors were fighting for her life.

Now, fortunately, everything is okay with Malti and she is absolutely healthy. Although she is still one year old, her parents disseminate respect in her for both cultures.

Lately, the charming actress has delighted the fans by sharing touching photos of her adorable daughter. It seems as if she has completely immersed into motherhood and nothing and nobody on Earth seems as important as her little cutie.

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