Minnesota’s Beloved Bruno: The Sociable Dog Who Embarks on Daily Adventures, Making Friends Across Town!

The puppy had many beloved places to visit  🐶🤗

A very sociable dog named Bruno lives with his owners Larry and Debbie LaVallee in Minnesota. Bruno adores being with his family, but he also has many friends, whom he sees every day.

It’s almost ten years, that Bruno greets his friends on his four-mile trip into town. Bruno has beloved places in the city and enjoys visiting them. His beloved places are an ice cream shop, many offices and stores, a library, where he is given food by his friends.

Bruno was a puppy when he was found and saved by Larry. Bruno appeared at Larry’s door and he understood the puppy was abandoned.

The sweet puppy didn’t belong to any of Larry’s neighbors and he immediately considered taking the puppy.

There are many people, with whom he befriended and visited them very often. He even has his own Facebook page.

The people living in the city take good care of the puppy and even some of them took him home at the end of the day when he already got older.

At first, Larry wanted to do everything to prevent the puppy’s escapes, but then he considered allowing his excursions. He wasn’t even concerned, when the neighbors took Bruno home saying he was sure the puppy would easily return home.

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