Joaquin Baldwin is an artist at Disney who has worked on such cartoons as Zootopia, Moana and Frozen. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two cats: Kuma and Elton. And it was Elton who became the star of Twitter. We all know that if a cat wants to yell in the morning he will certainly do that. No one and nothing can stop him. Tired of the loud sounds that the animal made Joaquin just recorded a video using an autotune app. And who knew that Elton would turn out to be so musical!
This is Joaquin Baldwin an artist who works at Disney.
And these are his cats Kuma and Elton (Elton is the one with a butterfly).
In general Elton is a cutie.
Elton this morning. He always wakes up from the rays of sunshine.
Sometimes this cat doesn’t allow anyone to sleep normally in the morning. Joaquin decided to shoot a video and use autotune for his meow.
Enjoy it!
Autotuned the cat because he won’t shut up in the mornings. I don’t know how this helps but I did it anyway.
— Joaquin Baldwin (@joabaldwin) February 18, 2019
Surprisingly enough the cat turned out to be very musical and the Twitter users noticed it.
It sounds like he is going to produce a song in the near future!
Someone should make a remix!
This is my favorite song of Kayne West.
The cat also had some fans among its relatives.
Now he has lots of fans. Diana comes to me immediately when I turn on the cutie’s meow.
Oh my God! My cat wanted to get into your house after hearing the wonderful sounds!
The social network users wonder what the new star’s signature will be like.
I am so sorry, but inform your cats that there will be no signatures.
But not all tailed beasts were delighted.
My cat got very angry and even scratched me when I turned it on.
The remixes began to appear.
Autotuned the cat because he won’t shut up in the mornings. I don’t know how this helps but I did it anyway.
— Joaquin Baldwin (@joabaldwin) February 18, 2019
“Yass” version no one asked for.
— Joaquin Baldwin (@joabaldwin) February 18, 2019
I guess there will be an album very soon.
I took the liberty to produce a quick demo for your cat’s next street hit
— Tantu 🌺 (@TantuBeats) February 18, 2019
I used VolocoApp to make the autotune. And Elton wanted to have a test after such kind of popularity.
Elton the cat is already ready to break into the musical Olympus! But he first needs to sleep in order to wake up the owners with renewed meows in the morning.