It is so funny to see how the cute girl says goodbye to her lovely doggy

There is no other exciting thing than seeing a real friendship between the little girl and the loyal doggy

The loyality between the kids and the doggies is the most touching thing ever.
Being next to these pets since childhood the kids become more persistent and responsible.

The big love and devotion between them is the nicest thing in the world.

The best proof of their love is shown in the video, where the little girl says goodbye to her lovely doggy by kissing his nose three times before going to school. It seems that if the cute animal speaks, he will say the nicest words ever, but he only barks by showing his happiness and thankfulness to his little owner. There is no other exciting and funny thing than the relationship between  these 2 cuties.

When the girl returns home the sweet doggies named Samson and Sebastian welcome their cute owner by licking her face.

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