«What happened to the former highest-paid model?»: The way Crawford has changed caused controversy

No one believes their eyes when they see how one of the 90s’ icons has changed 🧐😳

Many people have mentioned that in their opinion C. Crawford, one of the most successful and highest-paid models in the 1990s, looks even older than she actually is. Despite her age, she still looks amazing and has a toned and slender body.

Unlike many of her colleagues and co-stars from the 90s, she embraced the natural process of aging and has always been against surgeries and beauty procedures.

She finds such procedures a waste of time and money holding the opinion that they are not effective at all. As a result, she ages naturally and this is what she looks like in her 50s.

The recent paparazzi photos immediately caused a stir. Cindy was caught with an exhausted face and with no hint of makeup. There were wrinkles around her eyes, neck and lips. Many hardly recognize the former highest-paid model.

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