This huge black bear enters and strolls inside the police department as if he is the owner of the place

The hilarious and, at the same time, breathtaking moment an enormous bear enters the police station

This surprising scene seems totally impossible and improbable to believe as it reveals a huge black bear peacefully strolling in one of police stations in the state of California as if he is the very owner of the whole territory. This is definitely something you hardly manage to witness very often. During an ordinary day for the officers at the patrol department, they surprisingly found themselves in an absolutely unusual and alien situation spotting the black bear’s presence in the room.

This short but hilarious moment shows the immense bear entering the facility on his back legs. Then he started to explore the area which was a completely unbelievable scene. Yet, after a while, he decided to go out as he noticed the officers trying to chase him. Fortunately, no one got harmed or injured. Furthermore, the officers had a really funny time witnessing the whole situation

You can watch the unimaginable moment the bear strolls inside the department in the following video!

As it was investigated and scientifically estimated, the bear population number, especially in California, dramatically increased reaching over 40 thousand individuals of the species. You can frequently be warned to be cautious as people living in those areas are likely to come across these majestic creatures.

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