The Couple Thought That They Had Adopted a Mini-Pig and Had Been Keeping Her As a Pet Even After It Grew Up to 650 Lbs

What a surprise when a couple found out that the mini-pig day adopted wasn’t actually MINI

Esther the Piggy is the piggy who wins the heart of every person who meet her. When the two Canadians named Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter adopted Esther they believed that they had taken a mini piggy home but two years later it turned out that they were wrong because their “little piggy” turned into a full-size pig.

Despite this great surprise Esther’s parents were only grateful to her because they not only received lots of love and care from their piggy as people get from their pets but the cutie also helped them to become vegetarians because they couldn’t imagine how they could eat a piggy like theirs or another innocent creature. The couple was also motivated to save more animals and help those creatures who needed that.

Esther has also become a famous “blogger” who has 516k followers on Instagram. She is also called the animal influencer at 13th annual Libby Awards – that recognizes brands, celebrity stars and the companies which are committed to animals.

After seizing the social network this adorable cutie currently has her sights set on Hollywood.

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