Look at this Canada Lynx Cat, that had very big paws, resembling human hand

The adorable lynx, living in the Wildlife centre

He had a relatively small body, short tail and long legs, and he is one of the cutest animals. They may resemble your house cats, but they are really predators. They live in the forests and are territorial animals and males usually live alone.

As they have big eyes and good hearing, they are good at night hunting. As these animals can’t run fast, they organise sneaky tactics, when it comes to hinting their victim. The usual one is finding a convenient place and waiting for victim to cone nearer. Than they jump. Sometimes they have to sit still to catch their victim.

A photographer, named Tracy Munson was able to capture one of these amazing animals. “I didn’t have a chance to photograph the lynx in the wild yet. The lynx in my photo was one of the animals living in the Wildlife Rehab Centre in Ontario. Somebody had found her and thought it was a cat and removed her claws, so she would never return to the wild. She was very much alike an angry housecat.”

“Lynx are very shy and secretive in the wild, so it is much interesting to follow them. If you have seen one, you should keep a long distance from it, and use a long telephoto lens. In the wild you must try to move as little as possible and be very quiet. Winter is a much better time to see them, when there are no leaves and they have less fur.”

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