The brave dog has supported many helpless creatures throughout her life, but this case was a little different

This cutie is more than just a pet

Here’s the most caring and loving pet, who always supports her owner and never leaves his side even for a second. She is very helpful for not only her human, but also for others.

This amazing dog has strong senses and feels any danger at once. She has supported a lot of helpless creatures and made their lives better. Especially she doesn’t remain indifferent about kittens, and that time wasn’t exception.

Three years ago she discovered ten defenceless kittens, who were in need. She immediately took the chance to take care of them as her own babies. She became a loving and caring mother for them and provided them with everything they needed.

One day when the dog was walking with her owner along the street, a litter of sweet kittens captured their attention. They were in a box completely alone and defenceless. The canine was so compassionate about the babies and loved them at first sight.

The owner hurried to take them in, thinking that it would be better for them to stay at her home instead of leaving them at a shelter. She decided to put the kittens for adoption until they will become old enough.

Her dog is an excellent mother for them and it’ll be so hard for her to be separated from her beloved ones.

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