«A former seducer with a big belly and gray hair»: The recent paparazzi photos of LeBlanc left the fans speechless

The fans hardly believed that the plump gray-haired man here is Joey from «Friends»

Here is one of the celebrated and prominent actors in the comedy «Friends» towards whom no single girl and woman could remain indifferent. The great film star appeared in «Friends. Reunion» two years ago.

Now, the 55-year-old actor looks much older and has gained excess weight which is visible to the naked eye. His current appearance that leaves a lot to be desired reflects not only his career ups and downs, but also problems in his personal life.

As has been known, her daughter from M.McKnight was diagnosed with a rare ailment and suffered epileptic seizures. The great actor admitted that he couldn’t manage to cope with the stress and finally cheated on his wife with a pole dancer.

Even after the public apology, his wife couldn’t forgive him and give a second chance. As a result, the spouses divorced. For a short time, the «Friends» star dated his co-star.

Currently, the popular film star lives with his heiress in Los Angeles

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