5 Surprising Ways Foam Sponges Can Do More Than Just Scrub Your Dishes—You Won’t Believe What They’re Capable Of

Still just using them to scrub? 🤭🤨 You’re missing out 😉🙃 Foam sponges are good for more than just dishes. There are five clever uses that will blow your mind 🤯😮  Read about uses in the article below 👇

Foam sponges are a very useful and versatile material that can be used not only for washing dishes, but also for many other household tasks.

Let’s look at a few interesting ways to use them.

1. Removing dirt from surfaces. If you have old foam sponges, you can use them to remove stains and dirt from surfaces in your home. Simply cut the foam rubber into small pieces and use them to clean walls, floors, carpets and furniture.

2. Styrofoam absorbs moisture well, so if you place it on a shelf with fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, they will stay fresh longer.

3. Cable protection. If you have a lot of cables in your home, foam sponges can be a great way to protect them from damage and wear and tear. Cut the foam sponge into strips and wrap the cables with them. This will help reduce friction and prevent them from getting damaged.

4. Children’s toys. Foam sponges are great for creating soft and safe toys for children. Use the sponge to cut out the shape you want (like a car, animal, or flower) and attach eyes and a spout to it. Your child will be happy to play with such a soft and safe toy.

5. Some housewives during the transplantation of indoor plants put a foam sponge at the bottom of the pot. It removes excess moisture during watering and does not allow water to flow out of the pot.

As you can see, foam sponges are a universal material that can be used for many household tasks. Try using it in different areas of life and you’re sure to find new and interesting uses.

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