Say Goodbye to Years of Grease and Soot: How to Restore Even 100-Year-Old Pans with One Effective Solution

A century of soot and grease caked on your pans? 🤢🙈 Don’t throw them out yet. You won’t believe how easy it is to bring them back to life 😳🫣 With one simple trick, even 100-year-old pans can look spotless again 🔥🫢 Told about the trick in the article below 👇

Every housewife has a favorite cookware that she hates to throw away, even if it’s covered with a layer of soot. Here’s a simple and effective way to get pots and pans looking clean and tidy again.

What you will need:


several plastic bags,

scotch tape.


1. Put the dishes in a tight bag and pour a little ammonia inside.

2. Remove the air as much as possible, tie the bag tightly and secure it with tape.

3. Leave it on the balcony or outside for 1-2 days, depending on the degree of contamination. This is important to avoid a strong ammonia odor in the room.

4. Remove the dishes from the bag, rinse with cool water and clean with the stiff side of a sponge.

Alternative method:

1. Take a large container, dilute the vinegar with cool water.

2. Dip the dishes in the solution and leave for 1-2 days.

3. Check from time to time by cleaning off any remaining dirt with a sponge.

This method is less aggressive, so the surface of the dishes will remain intact. The smell of vinegar will be minimal if the solution is properly diluted, so do not worry.

Both methods will help clean even the oldest pots and pans. Now your dishes will look like new again!

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