The kitten Was Picked up in the National Park and He Doesn’t Want to Live Alone Even for an Hour Anymore

The tabby kitten who was found alone in the national park now clings to his people day and night in order to fill the missing days .

Two weeks ago Jenny Storaker who is one of the directors of CatRescue 901 in Sydney received a call from a young man working in a national park. He said that the little tabby kitten was lost and was wandering without a mother. Such a baby required 24/7 supervision and care.

Nobody came to take the kitten so the worker tried to find help. “He told me that he found a kitten about 300 meters from the national park in the Blue Mountains (in Australia). I agreed to take him,” tells Jenny.

As soon as I brought him home and fed him it became clear that he was abandoned despite the fact that he was only three weeks old.  He was friendly and very afraid.”

Jenny asked the workers to see if the mother cat and other kittens appeared but no one was there.

Having eaten up heartily a little kitten named Gordon quickly got used to the new people. He was given a soft teddy bear with an imitation of a heartbeat so that he wouldn’t feel lonely.

But Gordon stated loudly and clearly that he wants to be with the people around all the time.

After each feeding he snuggled up to Mom’s foster, warmed up on her chest or shoulder and fell asleep with full stomach and without worrying about safety or anything else.

He had a lot of soft bedding at his disposal but Gordon preferred to crawl into the Pope’s arms – this was his unofficial bed.

The striped creature demanded lots of attention making up for the lost time that he spent on the street alone. As soon as you take him in your arms he immediately dissolves in the arms of a person and thus conquers any person’s heart.

In a few days Gordon learned to walk into the litter box with Jenny’s help and even tried eating adult food from a bowl on his own.

The girl became famous after a hot photo shoot in the subway.

His limbs grew stronger and he became more playful revealing his character at the same time.

After the experience the kitten doesn’t want to be left alone anymore and clings to the person when there is a convenient opportunity.

Gordon is the cutest creature who loves to sleep in my husband’s arms when he’s exhausted,” says Jenny.

He doesn’t hesitate to get attention or climb on top of his family members in order to be closer.

Thanks to good food, care and affection Gordon grows very noticeably and more and more asserts himself with his pranks every day.

He will soon meet a kitten of the same age named Rita.

At the moment Gordon claims every knee and free hand in the house because the best thing in the world that he is able to do is to hug and purr all over the room.

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