This bighearted school teacher travels 8 kilometers every day to feed poor and hungry students

The heroic teacher daily travels 8 kilometers to give free food to his students

This school teacher isn’t obliged to do this and he could easily hire a nanny or some people who would help him do all this, but the generous and bighearted man prefers to give food to his students himself.

Zain works as a teacher in an elementary school in the British town of Grimsby. Every day he travels about eight kilometers in order to give free food to the pupils who come from poor and needy families.

Before working as a teacher, he used to be a soldier. Zain also takes a great interest in sports and frequently takes part in various auctions and charity projects. Two years ago, he participated in one cycling marathon covering nearly 2000 kilometers in support of the “Cat Zero” project.

Zain claims that when bringing the free food, he also checks whether everything is okay with his students. He sincerely wishes they never feel hungry or insufficient.

His students are very grateful to him for taking care of themselves and even ask extra home tasks in order to communicate with their beloved teacher for long.

The food Zain daily brings weights about 19 kilos.

He claims that her action is nothing compared with the suffering of poor children who always starve and are in need for help.

Due to his bigheartedness and kindness, Zain became the local legend, but he himself doesn’t really consider himself a hero.

He remarks that his job is not only teaching the pupils but also taking care of themselves like his own children.


Zain is a true hero, isn’t he?

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