After watching the attractive photos of a zookeeper and giraffes, you will see how strong their bond is  

The scene how the zookeeper and the giraffes love and kiss each other, is amazing.

 It’s not surprising, that humans and animals can have a strong friendship and they can love and trust each other very much. For example, you can be related with your pet, or any animal in your neighbourhood, but seeing the strong bond between a zookeeper and the giraffes is something unusual.

Riste, is a caring zookeeper, who works at one of the zoos of the North Macedonia, befriended with one of the biggest and the most beautiful animals of the zoo, the giraffes, who are devoted to him a lot and show their love by kissing and caressing him.

They have the cutest photos ever, which attract millions of people from all over the world and became quite famous on social media.

After watching these adorable pictures, you will dream about working at the zoo.

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