Having a best friend makes our lives easier
Rescuers called them as Timber and Baloo. Animals are dedicated in their emotions, sweet, trustful, thankful and loving. Of course we agree!
Every day people, who find homeless animals call rescue organisations. Animals can’t communicate, but we can all relate to their feelings. Everyone, even animals, needs a friend to be next to them in these hard times and tell them everything will be fine.
Like two friends in this story Baloo and Timber didn’t want to split up. A chihuahua and a pig were two unique animals, that the shelter rescued in May. Happily the shelter was able to save them.
There they had their first checkup at the vet. The dog and the pig are best friends and just imagine the amazement of the shelter staff, when they saw the amazing pair.
And the staff named these two animals Baloo and Timber. Timber even likes to lay on Baloo’as back in the same position. They’re just completely amazing.