She became a mother at the age of 11. Now she is a mother of three

The young couple loves each other and are not have the desire to break up.

The girl lived in the same flat together with her grandmother.

He had no parents and he was raised by his grandmother.

And the boy named Habib lived in this flat as well. He rented a room.

The boy was 19.

Young people started a relationship.

After some time, the girl became pregnant.

Surely, the young man was adjudicated but the sentence was postponed.

The reason was that young people proved in court that they love each other.

The couple had a daughter.

The young mother graduated 9th class and enrolled in college.

And in 2013 they had a son.

4 years later, they wanted to get a divorce but they found out about the girl’s third pregnancy.

Currently, they are expecting their third baby, Habib earns money and looks after a young family.

Because of her age, the girl did not give birth on her own, but by cesarean section.

Doctors did not want to take responsibility, although the babies in both cases were born small.

Nevertheless, Habib’s relatives never admitted the girl, they are continually searching for a new bride for their son.

Among other things, they do not believe that these babies are from their son.

Nonetheless, young people love each other and are not have the desire to break up.

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