«A former angel is now fully tattooed»: This unique man whose body is covered in tattoos showed him before the transformation

What this fully-tattooed man looked like before will leave you all speechless

Here is a resident of America, Tristen, who once determined to radically change his appearance. As a result of the drastic changes in his body he became literally unrecognizable. However surprising it might seem, his whole body is tattooed.

Now it is hard to recognize the former angelic-looking man before he decided on his first tattoo. Once Tristen shared his rare archive photos no one could remain indifferent and rushed to claim that he looked like an angel before the changes.

Some were even more than sure that with the such appearance he possessed before, he could effortlessly conquer the Hollywood industry and win millions of female hearts.

Most netizens rushed to express their disappointment. «Why did he spoil his angelic appearance», «Nothing left of the formerly handsome boy».

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