45-year-old Longoria showed her toned body and shared her secrets to the attractiveness
Shortly after her first childbirth. E. Longoria gained excess weight and her parameters doubled. Her tummy grew and she started to be considered a plus-size model who couldn’t get into her former body shape struggling to lose weight.
The clothes she wore usually added some extra kilos and she didn’t feel attractive, desired and self-confident. However, she didn’t give up.
Last year, Eva left the network speechless sharing a new photo in which she seemed to shed half of her weight. Although she was in no rush to share her secrets, it was quite obvious that she lost a lot of weight and wasn’t going to stop yet.
45-year-old Longoria’s recent photo serves as evidence that it was the gym, regular workouts and her strong willpower that significantly helped her lose weight.
The other activities that the iconic woman has been actively engaged in include jogging and swimming which also contribute to maintaining a desired body.
Currently, the mother is in perfect body shape and feels genuinely proud of herself. She can boast her toned body which is something rare at her age.