The sweetest action of street dogs. They helped the abandoned girl survive 🥹
The little newborn girl was leftover on the street in India and thanks to the dogs, who guarded her she managed to survive. The dogs looked after the girl from a distance before she was saved by a woman.
The sweet tale showed, that dogs can make great friends and can act better than humans.
The woman called for help and the baby was covered in a pastel pink sheet. One of the woman’s neighbors gave the newborn some milk and then she stopped weeping.
Even when the people took the girl dogs continued keeping an eye on her. The people asked help from the Puruilia police officers.
The officers took the newborn to the hospital, where it became clear, that the girl was seven days old and weighed 2.8 kg. She was taken to the hospital’s special care section for babies. She had some signs of jaundice, but it isn’t something to worry.
The woman named the girl Sania to honor the day she was rescued. The woman also told, that the rescue was performed only thanks to kind street dogs.