«No one was ready for this»: The off-screen appearance of actress Green became the subject of discussions

The fans hardly recognized Eva Green in paparazzi photos without retouching 😳😱

Everyone probably knows this popular, successful and outstanding actress E. Green. For the most part, she brilliantly played witches and confident women in films. What concerns the real life, she is much humbler and more modest.

The iconic film star was born and grew up in Paris. She also has a twin sister named Joy. Due to her great talent, she took part in several various projects and succeeded in each of them.

She is best remembered for her role in «Casino Royale» where she excellently portrayed the agent’s love interest.

Her life and appearance have always been the center of public attention. Though she looks literally amazing in all the movies, her recent off-screen appearance without filters and retouching greatly surprised everyone.

This is what the actress looks like in real life.

What concerns her personal life, her partner is director Tim Burt with whom she has worked on several movies.

Green takes a great interest in sports and is good at cooking and likes trying new and interesting recipes.

Eva is a great fan of full makeup, but there are cases she appears entirely without it and looks utterly unrecognizable.

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