I stumbled upon a secret Turkish trick for cleaning carpets, and now mine are spotless, dust-free, and fresh all the time 😍☺️ It’s so simple, yet so effective—you won’t believe the difference 😳🫣 Want in on the secret? 😏😌 Head to the article below to know the secret! 👇
Once we had kids and a puppy in the house, the stains were impossible to keep track of. After all, they were popping up every minute. Watercolor paint, yogurt, ink, or the puppy didn’t make it to the street. Anything. Sometimes the stains could be such that none of the most aggressive chemistry could handle.
However, I do have one product for those cases. I use it when I do a general cleaning. All the ingredients for the preparation of the remedy will be found at home, and they are all budget, ten times cheaper than the store ones. The volume of the remedy depends on how big the carpet is or how many pieces. But I will tell you the proportions for a small rug or doormat, and if you need to increase it yourself.
Pour a liter of hot water into a basin. It should be hot enough so that if you put your hand down, it will be bearable.
Pour in a large spoonful of laundry powder. Dissolve it so that there are no particles left, otherwise they can get stuck in the lint. You can also use liquid powder – there is no difference.
Next, pour in a spoonful of ammonia. Do not forget to wear a mask, because you know what the smell is. However, after a few minutes, the odor will disappear.
The product is ready for use. Put on gloves, take a cleaning brush, soak it in the solution and apply it to the carpet. It is best to drive it in circular motions. This way you will fluff up the pile and collect the hair.
In the case of heavily worn carpets, they will most likely have to be cleaned again. however, one time is enough for me. Ammonia does an excellent job on all dirt.
Of course, it is best to clean outdoors, but not everyone has such an opportunity. Therefore, at home, be sure to open the windows and let everyone living with you, including animals, go for a walk.
Immediately after cleaning, you can see how much fresher and brighter the carpet has become. White inserts become white again, and colored inserts are saturated, as if the carpet is new. And also this product neutralizes unpleasant odors. I’m talking about our puppy’s life activity right now.