Burners so dirty you’d think they were ruined? 😕🙊 I make them spotless in just 5️⃣ minutes—no scrubbing, no expensive cleaners 😌👌 My stove looks brand new, and no one believes how easy it is! See the secret in the article below! 👇🔥
I think everyone’s burners have sometimes gotten so dirty that they are difficult to clean. But recently I became aware of one simple method that perfectly cleans even the dirtiest burners. Now I want to share it with you.
First, the burner needs to soak in a solution based on citric acid. To do this, take a basin, put the burners in it, heat a liter and a half of water and after its boiling pour in a small bag of citric acid. Immediately there will be a reaction and if you heated it in the kettle, it will also be cleaned at the same time.
Pour the solution into the burners in a basin and leave it for five minutes. After draining it.
Now you need to prepare a cleaning paste. for this you only need to mix a few simple components, which is usually at home.
So you need to take dry yeast and mix it with a tablespoon of toothpaste, which can be the cheapest. In the original recipe there was tooth powder, but I did not have it.
The porridge, which turned out to be, should be well stirred and then add 2-3 tbsp. of vinegar to it. The means should become in consistency like liquid sour cream.
Clean the burners with gloves, as the mixture is very alkaline.
Apply the product to the burners and clean them with a sponge, using the hard side.
After soaking, the dirt becomes soft and the paste cleans everything perfectly.