There is a fact that a man is a friend to a dog and everyone around him knows about that. But what if this friend pulls you to ski? This doggy solved the problem brilliantly. A Norwegian skier Sven Erik Mo has posted a video in which the lazy Norwegian Elkhund Warro refuses to follow his owner and just lies on his back and allows himself to be dragged.
“Does anyone recognize this style?” – asks the author of the video.
This video was watched by more than 100 thousand people in a dew days. The mistress of the non-skier dog couldn’t even imagine that Worro would be so famous for her antics.
Warro and his owner Bente Forsberg.
At some points in the video it may seem that the dog isn’t too happy with what is happening and even suffers from it. But Bente told one of the Norwegian newspapers that this isn’t the case. It turns out that this isn’t the first time Warro has done this. He just likes to lie in the snow. The skiers were already returning from a walk in this video and the tired doggy decided to rest a little. “Take me, my dear owner!” – apparently, he thought.
Bente notes that this behavior is generally typical for this and in confirmation of this the users share the videos with their four-legged animals in the comments.
Another lover of snow rides.
And one more.