The Frog Prince: the Guy Found a New Friend in the Salad

A singer and an actor from Tulsa, USA named Simon Curtis discovered an unexpected guest in a package with a lettuce which was bought  from a supermarket – a little frog.  The guy had no idea what to do with the amphibian and at first he was going to just let the frog out into the street but he quickly remembered that it was too cold there now.

“Honestly, I was even glad that I found something alive in the foods I eat.  I take this as a sign that the manufacturer doesn’t use toxic pesticides and actually sells quality vegetables, ”- Simon shared his reaction about the unexpected guest.

Then Simon decided to leave the frog whom he named Tony as a pet on permanent basis.  But for this the kind guy had to figure out how to care for amphibians and he wrote a post on Twitter about his new friend thanks to which several biologists and frog specialists contacted him.

They advised  Simon to feed the little frog and now he has become a full-fledged “parent” of a small amphibian.  The guy bought a small terrarium for Tony and made a food supply consisting of lettuce leaves and wax worms until  the new owner has decided whether to leave the cutie at home or entrust the care of him to more competent people.

“I haven’t decided yet if I’ll leave Tony forever but if I leave him then he will get a high terrarium with the control of humidity and temperature, a lot of different shelters and all kinds of things on which he can crawl.  I will try to provide the cutie with everything he needs for the healthy and happy froggy life! ”

Simon really enjoys watching his new green friend because Tony is a very curious and active frog and he really enjoys watching his new friend because Tony is a rather curious and active frog.  When watching his favorite friend the guy remembered that his favorite toy and mascot was a plush frog as a child, so, most likely, he will never part with Tony.

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