This absolutely adorable and unique mountain-dwelling sweetie faces serious threat of extinction

Perhaps the cutest and most admirable mammal discovered on Earth

The awesome creature is perhaps one of the cutest and most extraordinary one in the whole world and was first found in 1983 by the conservationist Li Weidong.

Unluckily, there are less than 1000 individuals left in wildlife. Their number dramatically dropped by nearly 70 percent since the 80s.

The conservationist’s heart literally breaks when thinking that there is absolutely no one to take care and protect them and the man decided to take the whole situation into his hands. Several years ago, he arranged a team consisting of 20 volunteers the aim of which was to track the animal down and help as much as possible.

The man explained the animal is extremely endangered and many places they used to live are now empty.

The kind-hearted conservationist hopes with all his heart that they will be able to help the extinctive animal. The cute creatures were to be found to nearly 13000ft in the Tianshian Mountains.

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