The gigantic whale jumped out of the sea just behind the boat. It was so amazing!
How interesting the animal world can be! Every day they can amaze us and show that they are wonderful creatures.
Once, when the men enjoyed their time by sailing on the sea, an enormous whale immediately jumped out of the water not far from the boat. It seemed the huge creature wanted to breathe some fresh air without knowing that his jump would amaze thousands of people from all over the world. Next to the whale the boat seemed very small. The scene was not only amazing and pleasant but also frightening.
Though that place is popular with its nice and huge whales, the case which took place there, caused a lot of surprise among the humans.
In the picture the boat looks like a little toy compared with the big creature.
We can’t imagine which kind of emotions the people had who were on the boat. They had never expected that would see that enormous fish so close to them. They probably had both pleasant emotions and some depression.
After seeing this amazing scene, most people would dream to be on the boat at that time.
Fortunately, the creature didn’t hurt the boat and the people.
The man who took these amazing photos told the reporters that a great number of people noticed the creature’s body at once. In the picture the boat was closer to him than the fish so everyone would understand how enormous he was. He added that if he was on the boat he would get dirty his underwear.