This is how actress Leonor Varela who starred in the film “Cleopatra” looks after 21 years

How has the star from the film “Cleopatra” changed after more than 20 years?

The history of Egypt has always attracted and gripped the whole world with its mysteriousness and, of course, the most powerful and legendary ruler Cleopatra. A number of film stars portrayed her. Whereas the prominent actress who brilliantly played this legendary role was Leonor Varela who immediately became beloved and ideally suited the character. It is hard to believe that it has already been 25 years since the release of the film.

It should be noted that the talented actress has Chilean origins. Probably that’s why the woman possesses extraordinarily beautiful appearance. In the 90s, she was in the prime of her drizzling career and was really demanded. However, in the early 2000s, Leonor tried her hand in modeling. This was a big success and she gained world famous in this sphere as well.

Currently, Leonor is already 47, but she looks absolutely gorgeous. Varela is a devoted mother and beloved wife. She is now writing a book, is actively engaged in charity and continues delighting her fans with her new photoshoots. By the way, the iconic woman has recently shared her secret to beauty: it has been 35 years she is a vegetarian.

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