This famous actress believes that living with dogs is better than being married

Such an amazing choice by the actress!

Famous Hollywood actress Demi surprises her fans with her decision that living with dogs is better than with husband.

Because Demi played in many movies and is loved by people, she is always in the centre of attention and her fans are interested in her life. They discovered that now she lives only with nice adorable dogs.

Although she was married and has three children, now she shares her home with the canines and claims that living with dogs is a real pleasure.

Two of her pets stay under the care of her daughter, but the actress keeps an eye on them, too.

Having so many dogs is really challenging, but the woman keeps them with a great pleasure. She provides them with everything they need and does her best to make them happy and carefree.

These animals are so lucky to be under her care, because they have whatever they desire and get much love and attention from their beloved owner.

Demi doesn’t want to marry, because spending time with her dogs is better for her.

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