Bachelor Party Turned Heroic Rescue Mission: Groom and Friends Save Abandoned Dog and Her Adorable Puppies

The mother dog came to the men and made them follow her 🥲🥹

A man named Mitchel Craddock and his friends from Michigan considered celebrating the man’s bachelor party in a Tennessee woodland, but everything changed when they met a sweet dog named Annie. The men rescued eight dogs and planned to celebrate it.

Annie at first considered waiting for the food they were cooking inside a cabin in the woods.

The man told, that they were able to earn her trust and she was very happy to meet the man and happily wagged her tail.

The guys considered the puppy had been leftover, as she didn’t have a collar or a leash and needed help.

The man told, that she was awfully dehydrated and famished and she immediately ate all the things she was given.

The men went after Annie and discovered seven puppies trying to escape.

They were completely healthy and Annie took good care of them, but they still needed to be washed, as they were very dirty.

The groom and his friends took the adorable kitties and now they live in a loving home.

The man’s bachelor party was canceled, but they were overjoyed to be able to rescue the canine family. They named the puppies Knox, Bear, Daisy, Gunner, Brimmy, Finn, Rose and Annie.

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