This is a story in which the kindness won and the human love and care were able to make a miracle. Everything started on October 12, 2018 when Kailina Turner met Karo. “It is now clear that Karo is a cute German shepherd, but then it seemed to be a strange creature which was like a scarecrow not a dog.” – told Kailina in an interview with The Dodo. The woman came closer and saw that the dog had hurt his ear. He was alive and needed help.
He was stuck in the bed frame and he couldn’t move.
The woman freed the poor man and he didn’t even make a sound.
Kailina was surprised how patiently he waited until she finished her work.
The dog was taken to the veterinarian and it turned out that the cutie was 6 months old and weighed 8 kg instead of the prescribed 23 kg.
The dog was very afraid and he suffered from sunburn parasites and sarcoptic mange. The cutie was named Karo and he had to stay there for a week. Kailina visited him every day in order to take care of him. She decided that she would take care of him until the poor creature got stronger but then she realized that she could no longer part with Karo.
This is how he looked after the treatment.
He gained about 450 g!
The family already had a pet. She was a seven-year-old doggy whose name is Casey.
At first the cutie accepted a new pet without much joy but then the dogs became best friends.
Kailina took care of him: she made special baths and fed him 4 times a day in small portions.
In this photo Karo weighs about 10.5 kg.
This is the result after 3 weeks.
And this is in the fourth week. His weight is 14.5 kg.
Karo’s fur began to grow.
This is a wonderful dog with a very kind character.
He is so friendly.
And he is also very playful.
Karo is friends not only with the dogs.
Karo loves people especially children.
He never barks!
The dog has really changed a lot.
Really a handsome cutje.
He even has his own Instagram account.
The doggy is 9 months old and weighs almost 23 kg.
You can sleep with the fluffy creature in an embrace.
The owners can no longer imagine their life without Karo.
It isn’t known who brought more happiness!
All the bad things in Karo’s life are over. The future will only be better!