Merlin the Cat Makes Everyone Fall in Love With Her at First Sight Although She Is Blind That Doesn’t Stop Him from Being Cool

The shelters are home to a huge number of animals among which there are really unusual characters. A cat named Merlin is one of these kind if creatures because her unusual eyes immediately attract attention. Merlin is blind but this didn’t stop her owners from taking her from the shelter and falling in love with this cat right at first sight. The pet pleases his family members with a good character, friendliness and her incredible charm!

Although the owners were a little bit hesitant when they took Merlin from the shelter they didn’t regret.

Merlin’s owners Nathaniel and Elliot wanted to take a kitten from the shelter and they had already chosen a Siamese cutie but the others managed to pick him up. The shelter worker showed them a blind kitten that was in another department. He was being recovered from a cold  and the couple was offered to take her.

The fact is that the cat is blind and the owners doubted whether they could give him enough attention.

Despite the peculiarity of Merlin the owners still chose him and they never regretted.

Merlin’s charm is fascinating.

Marilyn owes her unusual appearance to her parents.

And his eyes are so unusual due to the blindness.

But the lack of sight hinders the cat a little bit.

As the owners of Merlin told the cat quickly adapts to new places and has no fear of stumbling into something.

Merlin is a very sociable cat and loves to be around people and she especially likes to sit on their lap.

Merlin is friends not only with people but also with other animals.

She behaves like a real lady. She doesn’t yell, she doesn’t scratch things and she just walks 99% of the time.

Merlin’s favorite food is watermelon and she doesn’t eat fish or chicken.

The catty happily walks on the street.

And she behaves herself like a real present!

According to the owners of Merlin they owe the presence of the cutie in their house to the shelter because now a little catty named Merlin now fills their life with joy!

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