The dog is a friend of man, and when this friend is lost, the man becomes painful and sad. A family from Turkey knew this firsthand: two months ago, their dog Leo disappeared somewhere. Is it vital to say, that people were desperate? Of course, they wanted to find their dog by all means, but there was no result. No trace of Leo was found. If you are already sad with the owners, a little spoiler: everything ended well.
The dog named Leo was lost, making sad its family. The search yielded nothing
The situation was changed by one occasion. Setach Arach, Leo’s owners son went to another city for work. The city was located nearly 100 km from their place of living. And suddenly he saw very familiar one.
Leo’s owners son was in another city and saw a dog, which resembled their lost dog
The boy told, that he send photos to his father and mother, he was very doubtful according to the distance the dog was from their house.
Parents went to the dog, here is the dog sitting on the street
And what happens next-see for yourself!
As soon as he saw the owners, the dog fussed and rushed to them. Touching hugs
The video of their meeting
The dog recognized his owners, and there were no doubts. Leo goes home!
The dog with his family
Its unknown, how the dog appeared so far from home, but that’s not the point. The main thing is, that he is alive, healthy and again with his family!