It may sound impossible to believe but there are many people who demonstrate extremely cruel and unconscious attitude towards animals. The fact is they don’t really perceive that the animals have feelings and emotions as well as humans do. They relentlessly take advantage of them using as sources of daily food or entertainment. Those people really need to form a better understanding of animals’ real essence and the sentimental characteristics they own.
This story is about an old elephant that spent most of her life as a captive and was treated very badly. The animal didn’t have the freedom destined for her. She constantly suffered in a cage and was mainly used as entertainment for travelers. Whereas, she was saved and successfully taken to a special sanctuary when the elephant could finally rest after all that suffering and hard labor.
It was reported the animal was continually tortured and forced to work until she got completely exhausted and atrophied. The elephant proved to be lucky enough to meet a kind soul who was willing to change her whole life.
The exact moment when the poor elephant got released, real tears could obviously be seen on her face that can touch absolutely anyone.