The Cat Was Entrusted to Carry the Rings to the Chancer and His Elegant Picture Became a Masterpiece of a Wedding Photography

Just a few days ago the couple of Nick Donatelli and Diana Gonzalez from America got married. And during the most touching moment the guests heard a solemn meow. Everyone was at a loss where the sound came from until it was time to put on the rings.

It turned out that this important assignment was entrusted to the charming cat Los. The cat did his duties with great responsibility.

The cat was accompanied by his owner and Diana’s Richard Scott Larson. After the celebration ended Richard posted a snapshot of the cat on Twitter.

This photo became so popular that in just a couple of hours it spread throughout the whole network and gained almost a million likes.

The reviews were the most enthusiastic ones. Netizens said that the cat looks very aristocratic as if it is truly blue-blooded who has lots of property.

Another girl said that she wants to celebrate her wedding again and this time she will invite only the animals.

The groom wrote in the comments that the idea to entrust the cat to bring the rings came to him a few months ago.

The photo shows that he coped with his duties perfectly well.

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