Veterinarians Were Amazed When They Cured a Cat for Advanced Scabies and Saw the Beauty of His Eyes

Scabies “stole” the beautiful and unique eyes of a cat named Cotton. One of his eyes is blue and the other one is yellow.

The sick animal was helped by Carmen Weinberg who is the founder of the Animal Friends Project. This organization deals with the rescue of cats.

The animal was found on the street by a resident of Florida.  He didn’t know what to do with the cat in such a state. The cutie was covered in wounds and couldn’t even open his eyes.

The man wrote a post on Facebook to which Carmen Weinberg responded.

The woman noticed Cotton’s critical health condition and took the cutie to the vet.

There it turned out that the catty not only had scabies but he was also dehydrated.

The animal was fed and treated with special antibiotics.

Carmen also treated Cotton’s skin with coconut oil.

The scabies wounds began to heal after a few days.

After a few months the catty was completely transformed.  Fortunately his fur grew rapidly, he gained weight and he was finally able to open his eyes.

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