The Dog Was Born with an Unusual Appearance, but the  Veterinarian did not Allow Him to Be Put to Sleep

Nature can make mistakes – the case of Nekku is the proof of that.  The Corgi dog was born with severe imperfection – two noses, which are popularly called “double-barreled gun”.

The story of the great rescue

Nekku appeared from breeders who bred puppies with a good pedigree, which can be traced almost for centuries. The owner invited a veterinarian and he advised to put the poor puppy to sleep, doubting about her health, and it would be difficult to sell it.  But, fortunately, the man hesitated, and during this time appeared a person who wanted to shelter the dog.

Jarmo Korhonen already had two corgis.  Nekka made friends with them. She turned to be so playful by nature . The doctor’s fears were not justified – despite the obvious violations, she does not suffer and for eight years now she has been pleasing the owners with her good-natured muzzle.

The new owner gave her a wonderful life.  Creeping on bush with gooseberries, walks with new friends and favorite treats – everything was for this little creature. 

She completely moved to the village just recently, where there is much more freedom and you can bury bones all day long.  If not that one sad story concerning its health, all this would not have happened in the life of an animal.  He was given a chance.  And this story proves that with the help of the power of love  miracles may happen.

Do you believe in miracles ? 

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