Last Thursday the Estonian Animal Welfare Union received an unusual call. The builder Robin Sillamäe said that he and his comrades rescued a dog from the river and he urgently needs veterinary help. Early in the morning workers noticed an animal floating on a small piece of ice on the Pärnu River and rushed to save him. They dragged the poor creature ashore, wrapped him in a towel and called the local animal welfare service. Only later did the builders find out that they had saved not a dog, but a wild beast.
The animal was very frozen. He was wrapped in a towel and sent to the veterinary clinic.
The cutie warmed up a little in a warm car and even laid its head in a very friendly manner on the lap of one of the saviors.
Later the experts examined the animal and provided medical assistance which was very necessary for the dog.
But only a local hunter could determine that there was not a dog but a real wild wolf in front of him.
The Estonian Animal Welfare Association took care of a wild animal and paid for the treatment.
After the complete recovery the wolfy was released into the forest.
He was put on a GPS collar in order to track his location in the future.
Now the fluffy gray wolf is very healthy and happy, so he has returned to his home.
The Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals thanked all the participants in the rescue operation. They also thanked the people who weren’t afraid and helped to return the wild animal to its usual habitat.