The cat adopted a lonely kitten which is alike to her own cubs and now the lonely baby has a mother.
Pluto the kitten was brought in by Dorset Rescue Kittens after his mother fell ill and could no longer take care of the little cutie. Pluto was the only one to survive because there was an incredible amount of strength in his tiny body.
“He came to us in such a critical condition. His mom didn’t feed him for rather a ling time,” says Kaylee Seymour who is the head of the organization.
“We couldn’t give him any food without placing him in an oxygen-assisted incubator first in order to slowly rewarm and restore water-salt balance.”
Pluto was examined and fed every hour at the first night. In the end, the strength returned to him and the cute kitten revived.
“We didn’t know if he would survive and we had prepared ourselves for the worst because none of his siblings survived, says Kayleigh. Only five days later we felt that he was on his way to recovery. He began to gain weight and eat very well.”
Baby Pluto became very mobile and began to briskly touch his paws from the playfulness that was awakened in him. He received constant attention from people and he was surrounded by soft toys but it seemed that something was missing – Pluto really missed his mother, his brothers and sisters.
A week after the arrival of the kitten, Kayleigh took care of a large feline family – a one-year-old kitten, Beebe with the five kittens at the age of three weeks. They were taken from the street and the kittens were a little older than Pluto and they all looked like him outwardly.
“After accepting Beebe, I immediately thought that I needed to show him to
Pluto hoping that she will suddenly accept her new baby,” says Kaylie.
Beebe relaxed, calmed down and began to look for caresses from his guardians even appealing to hugs after being accustomed to the new environment.
When the time came, Kayleigh brought Pluto to the catty who was wrapped in a blanket and excitedly waited for her reaction. She approached the orphan and began to look after him without hesitating even for a second.
“She began to lick him and pushed him into the midst of her children knowing exactly what the kitten needed. I just burst into tears from this scene,” tells Kaylie.
Baby Pluto immediately fell in love with his new mother and crawled into her arms.
“We put him with the rest of the kittens so that he was warm and had someone to play with. We still feed him with artificial milk because he is used to it but what a pleasure to see him with his family. “
Pluto continues to drink milk from the nipple but now he enjoys the embrace of his loving mom and caring siblings.
Beebe the mommy had never doubted Pluto since the moment they first met. She bathes and takes care of him even more than her own kittens.
“She usually hugs him while she breastfeeds the rest of the babies,” tells Kayleigh.
“Nothing can be equal to the care a kitten that he receives from a mummy cat and nothing can replace the socializing with other kittens of the same age,” says Kaylie.
“Pluto is already playing with them and is chatting with his mom like he has known her all his life.”
“We’ll bottle feed Pluto as much as we need and continue taking care of him, but for now I can put away all his toys and heating pad as he has something better and that’s to cuddle with his mom and the other kittens.”