When a passerby was walking in the park at night in Bucaramanga, Colombia, noticed an interesting Birthday party which was celebrated by a poor man and his doggies. He put paper hats on his dogs’ heads, then brought a little birthday cake, put some candles on it, lit them and began to sing. The stranger quickly turned on his camera and began to take a video, which, afterwards, attracted a lot of people’s attention.
When the party was over, the wayfarer came to them and asked their names. Choco was the name of the homeless man, Shaggy and Nena were the names of the wonderful babies. Choco said the stranger that he fled from an offensive family many years ago and now he didn’t have any apartment for living.
The video began to spread all over the world and became popular. After that the organization of “Good Samaritans” frequently visited the poor triplet bringing some foods for them. Even they sometimes came with their doggies to introduce them to the homeless babies.
The society appreciated the poor owner’s great love towards his lovely animals. It brought fortune to him and his friends. Surely, they will be lucky in the near future.