What happens if you scratch behind a big lynx’s ear?
A lynx is an affectionate and kind creature who can conceal cunning and malice, and a formidable predator may turn out to be a meek and friendly cat.
The pensioner already wanted to scold the student with the column. But a second later she saw his manner of talking to a street cat – and changed her mind
Nina Alekseevna had a low opinion of the neighbor boy Lyoshka. A fifth grader once hit a flower bed with a ball, which was looked after by a
“Let’s go home” A girl who was never loved by animals turned to a street cat. And she dutifully stomped after her
For some reasons, Varya was not liked by animals since childhood. Neither dogs, let alone the cats. It came to tears. Even the little kitten, whom Varya brought
The favorite of the whole yard, the dog Lassie rushed into the bushes and disappeared. The whole yard went out in search of her
Lassie was loved by the whole yard. When Irina went out for a walk with the dog, starting from the entrance, the kids ran to them from the
“At first he hissed, then he purred”: the kitten learned not to trust people and now it did not know how to react to the new owner
Athos certainly could not boast of being a graph. He was born on the street, and spent the first months of his life there. Maybe he had brothers
The family was returning from vacation and stopped at a roadside cafe. After dinner, they found a replenishment on the car – a lying cat
Nikolai drove carefully, trying not to overtake even trucks without necessity. According to his calculations the family was supposed to be at home tomorrow morning. His wife Natalya
“She lied, promising to take me out for a walk, but she brought me to the vet!” The dog looked reproachfully at the deceiving owner
Somewhere deep in Irisk, an actress of large and small theaters was dozing. Of the most ordinary and everyday things, the little dog staged real mini-performances. For example,
A Kitten with an Unusual Face was Sheltered in the Middle of a Field at Night
The adorable brunette Jinx appeared in the Ibanez family when she was nor more than three weeks old. How a tiny kitten appeared alone in the middle of
The tiniest horsy in the world considers itself a bulldog
The story of Peabody’s horse is both sad and happy, and the final of him is still open. From the nature’s point of view the horse should not